Pearlized mask on sepia tone background


UnMask the Con Artist

Turn Your Gullibility
into Wisdom

FREE Master Course!

About This FREE Course

This course is to help you understand the mindset of con artists and manipulators, so you will no longer fall prey to them. It will help you learn more about yourself AS you encounter people who want to manipulate you. it will give you tools to strengthen both your intuition and reasoning skills, so you can trust yourself and your internal guidance system more than you trust anyone else.

What the Course Includes

This course is a 56-minute video interview between interviewer, Aryana Rollins*, and presenter, Marion Moss Hubbard, who is also author of the related newly revised ebook, Removing Your Mask: No More Hiding from Your Truth. (Download the ebook for FREE!)

(*This course is made available with permission of Aryana Rollins.)

Author & Presenter

Marion Moss Hubbard, Ph.D.
She is an evolutionary explorer, who is also a mentor, author, and speaker. She is dedicated to furthering personal, organizational and global transformation through human consciousness development.


Aryana Rollins - Life Change Training

Offering group trainings and private mentoring to teach clients how to become re-empowered, self-aware, and self-determining.

This is a self-paced course - access it anytime for FREE!

You will receive a welcome email and a password (within 24 hours), which you can enter in the course login page to access this course.

(Please Note: Each course has its own password, so make sure you sign up for each course separately.)

Course Price: FREE


If you previously signed up for the course above and received your password by email, you can enter it below to access your course anytime.

(Please Note: Each course has its own password, so make sure you sign up for each course separately.)

Didn’t receive a password or need it again?

Contact Us. Mention which course you’d like to take and we’ll send the password to you within 24 hours.